Product description
Wild Goose has partnered with John O'Donohue's Literary Estate to develop an exclusive range of pieces inspired by his writing. Carved by Adam Grabski, it has a carefully polished pure bronze finish with a ceramic resin cold-cast core. It was then framed in a warm grey wood frame at the Wild Goose Studio in Kinsale, Ireland.
When we love and allow ourselves to be loved, we begin more and more to inhabit the kingdom of the eternal. Fear changes into courage, emptiness becomes plenitude, and distance becomes intimacy. Love is our deepest nature and consciously or unconsciously, each of us searches for love. We do not need to go out to find love; rather, we need to be still and let love discover us.
— John O'Donohue (Excerpt from the book, Anam Cara)
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Wild Goose
Be Still & Let Love Discover Us (Grey Frame)